
We Are Bethlehem StoryBoards is a project designed to share stories and messages about equity and justice with members of the Bethlehem community, including those who live, work, and pass through the town. We will post these messages in seven free-standing purple kiosks, one in each hamlet of Bethlehem, and update them each month. The goals of this initiative are:

● To promote equity and justice in Bethlehem.

● To spark reflection and conversation about these topics.

● To increase awareness and appreciation of the diversity of this community.

Bethlehem community members are invited to submit ideas and content for stories, which can include essays, poetry, 2D artwork, and more. Keep on the lookout for new StoryBoards content each month!

Interested in seeing the StoryBoards out in the community? See the Locations!

Want to get involved? Learn how to create content!